A Comprehensive Hiking Gear Checklist of What to Pack for Your Next Trip

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Ready to immerse yourself in the great outdoors and embark on your next hiking adventure? It doesn’t matter if you’re an experienced hiker or a newbie to the trails, sign up for multiple tours or set off solo on a new nature trail every week, you will always need to equip yourself with the right gear and supplies to make the most of your journey.

In this article, we’ll break down exactly what things to pack for a hiking trip, covering the essential items and some personal belongings you will need to make your next tour a success, regardless of whether you’re planning a day hike or a multi-day trek.

So, pack your bags, lace up your boots, and let’s get ready to hit the trails with confidence!

Our Hiking Trip Packing List

Clothing & Footwear

Let’s start with arguably the most crucial point on our hiking gear checklist – your clothing and footwear. From a leisurely stroll to a challenging, multi-day hike, the proper attire can help you stay comfortable, protect yourself from the elements, and avoid injuries that could put a damper on your time outdoors.

We recommend packing the following:

  • A sturdy pair of hiking boots or shoes with reliable ankle support to keep your feet stable and prevent slips and falls.
  • Moisture-wicking socks to keep your feet as dry and blister-free as possible.
  • Quick-drying pants or shorts that wick away sweat and dry quickly if you encounter rain or water.
  • A long-sleeved shirt or light jacket to protect your skin from the sun, chilly winds or any flying, biting insects.
  • A hat or beanie to shield your head from the sun or cold weather.
  • A rain jacket or poncho to keep you dry if it rains unexpectedly.

By packing these essential items, you can stay comfortable, safe, and perhaps even a little stylish on your nature trail.

Water & Food

It’s no secret that hiking can be a physically demanding activity. Even the fittest hikers must bring enough water and food to keep them fuelled throughout the adventure ahead. Whether it’s a quick stroll or a multi-day hike, be sure to add these to your packing list:

  • Water bottles or a hydration system to quench your thirst throughout the day.
  • High-energy snacks like trail mix, energy bars, or fruits like bananas or apples to keep your energy levels up.
  • If you’re planning a multi-day trek and aren’t on a tour, you may also want to bring a portable stove and cookware to prepare hot meals and drinks.

Adding these items to your nature trail checklist will ensure you have the energy and hydration required to properly enjoy any hike.

Specialised Hiking Equipment

It cannot be understated how much specialised hiking equipment can enhance your experience. From making your movements more efficient to helping you maintain a safer balance on rocky or slippery terrain, consider adding this hiking gear to your checklist:

  • A backpack or daypack to carry your gear and essentials.
  • Trekking poles to provide support and stability on steep, rocky, or uneven terrain.
  • A headlamp or flashlight for night hikes or in case you find yourself hiking in low-light conditions.
  • Sunglasses and sunscreen to protect your skin and eyes from harmful UV rays.
  • Insect repellent to protect you from pesky bug bites.

Packing the right hiking gear ensures you’re prepared for any situation and can focus on enjoying the beauty of nature.

Navigational Tools

If you’re hiking solo or in a small group, getting lost can be a scary experience. Fortunately, with the right navigational tools, you can easily avoid it. As such, a few more of the most essential things to pack for your next trip includes:

  • A map and compass to help you find your way, even when your GPS fails – just make sure you know how to use them properly before heading out.
  • A GPS device or smartphone with a GPS app can track your progress and location, especially if you’re hiking in remote areas.
  • A whistle and signal mirror to alert others when you get lost or need assistance.

If you are travelling as part of a tour, your guides will likely be intimately familiar with the nature trail and offer clear instructions to prevent distress. Still, it always helps to be prepared!

Emergency & First Aid Supplies

While they’re rare when you’re being careful, accidents can happen whilst out on a hiking trip, and there aren’t always medical facilities nearby. Even the most experienced hikers can face unexpected accidents or injuries, so carrying emergency and first aid supplies on every hike is essential. Remember to always pack:

  • Bandages, gauze, and antiseptic for cuts and scrapes
  • An emergency blanket to keep you warm in case of hypothermia
  • A fire starter like matches or a lighter to keep you warm and signal for help
  • A multi-tool or knife to cut rope or make other repairs
  • Personal medication if you need it, such as an EpiPen for allergic reactions.

Again, when on a tour, your guides will likely have ample resources to address any issues, but you should consider holding your own supply to avoid limits.

Additional Personal Items

When thinking about what things to pack for your next hiking trip, remember it’s not just about the essentials. A few personal items can also make your trip more enjoyable and memorable, including :

  • A book or e-reader to provide entertainment during downtime or when you need a break.
  • A deck of cards or other small games can be a fun way to pass the time with friends, family or other tourists.
  • A hat or visor can provide extra sun protection for your face and eyes.
  • Extra clothing like a warm layer or rain pants can come in handy when the weather unexpectedly changes.
  • Bring cash or a credit card in case of emergencies or if you need to buy supplies on the trail.
  • Don’t forget to bring a camera or binoculars to capture the stunning scenery and wildlife you may encounter on your hike.

Hiking Tours Available with Inspiration Outdoors

If you’re looking for a guided hiking tour in Australia, Inspiration Outdoors offers a range of options to suit every level of hiker. For more information on our tours or advice on what to pack for your next hiking trip, contact our friendly team today.


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