Koalas on the Great Ocean Walk

Wildlife on the Great Ocean Road Walk

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The Great Ocean Road is known for being one of the world’s best wildlife destinations.

While it is impossible to guarantee, tourists worldwide have continuously enjoyed getting up close and personal with some of Australia’s most iconic wildlife.

At Inspiration Outdoors, we believe that the best way to absorb all the beauty and wonder these wildlife walks have to offer is by slowing down and embarking on an immersive walking tour. Experience stunning landscapes and feel yourself become enveloped in Victoria’s nature as you explore its regions.

But what is even better than windswept clifftops and jaw-dropping coastal views? The animals, of course! Whether you are hoping to see whales, kangaroos or koalas on your journey along the Great Ocean Road, you are guaranteed to enjoy the sights and sounds of Australia’s unique wildlife centred in Victoria.

Whales to Koalas: 5 Animals in Victoria You Can See on the Best Wildlife Walks Near You

Embarking on a nature or wildlife walk can help individuals of all ages use their senses to observe and connect with the world around them.

This is particularly true of the stunning animals and nature that can be seen on the Great Ocean Walk.

Wildlife is a consistently popular attraction for tourists visiting this region. After all, animals in Victoria are best seen out in their element, interacting with their surroundings and allowing us a glimpse at their fascinating ways.

From graceful whales to shy koalas, there is so much to see when you trek the famous wildlife walks of the Great Ocean Road.

Here are five beautiful animals in Victoria to look out for on your travels!

1. Connect with Koalas in Nature on the Great Ocean Road

Koalas are synonymous with Australia. Come face to face with this national symbol when you traverse the Great Ocean Road.

As a vital part of the wildlife in Victoria, few people wouldn’t love the opportunity to see these cute creatures up close. Whether visiting Kennet River or Cape Otaway, the Koalas on the Great Ocean Road look down from the stunning gum trees, waiting for you to catch a glimpse.

If you’re asking yourself, “where is the best wildlife walk near me to see Koalas?”, then you cannot look past the Grey River Road, where these fluff-eared animals are often seen in abundance.

2. Catch sight of Kangaroos in Nature on the Great Ocean Road

When looking for wildlife in Victoria along the Great Ocean Road, kangaroos are likely at the top of your list. Yes, alongside koalas, you’re probably also asking, “what is the best wildlife walk near me to find kangaroos?”

Well, these uniquely Australian animals can be spotted across wildlife walks throughout the region and provide an exciting experience for any traveller visiting Victoria. In fact, sightings are so common that several high-quality Kangaroo tours are available throughout the various wildlife walks along the Great Ocean Road.

3. Watch Migrating Whales on the Great Ocean Road Nature Walk

Is there anything more majestic than a pod of whales cutting through the azure blue Australian waters? If you agree, then the best wildlife walks that highlight the stunning whales seen across the Great Ocean Walk are just the thing for you.

A true feast for the eyes, the scenic coast of Victoria is the home of diverse marine life, including migrating humpback whales. If you are looking for an answer to the question, “where is the best wildlife walk near me for whale watching” we would heartily recommend visiting the whale’s nursery at Logan’s Beach in Warrnambool. The mothers bring their calves to this very spot to rest on their long journeys.

One of the many spectacular animals in Victoria, whales, are seen more frequently during the cooler months, so plan your visit accordingly.

4. Walk with Wallabies on the Great Ocean Road

Adventure off the beaten track with the best wildlife walks at the Great Otway National Park. Immerse yourself in this wild Australian nature, populated with swamp wallabies. Along with kangaroos and koalas, wallabies are another classic Australian native animal.

Often found in the dense undergrowth of the bush, this cute cousin of the larger kangaroo can also be found throughout the Bay of Islands Coastal Park.

5. Promenade with a Platypus on the Great Ocean Road Nature Walk

A curious and often elusive mammal, the platypus is known to spend their time among cosy riverbanks and lakeside burrows.

Known to be the most visible when hunting for food around dusk or dawn, you will need patience when it comes to platypus sightings. Said to appear near Lake Elizabeth and Mount Emu Creek, these animals are a perfect example of the diverse wildlife in Victoria.

Try asking the locals for the “best wildlife walk near me to see a platypus” for more insider tips from the Great Ocean Road.

Discover Wildlife & Nature in Victoria with the best Wildlife Walks at Inspiration Outdoors

When you choose us at Inspiration Outdoors for your next great Australian adventure, we know you will not be disappointed.

We offer an end-to-end walk of the Great Ocean Walk in Victoria as part of a 7-day guided tour that is ideal for those looking for a little extra comfort on their walks.

With a series of exciting wildlife walks during the day and comfortable accommodation at night, this nature tour is one that individuals of all fitness levels can enjoy.

Our knowledgeable guide will be able to keep you informed about the famous local animals, such as koalas and whales, and improve your chances of setting your sights on the more reclusive creatures living in the bushlands.

For the best wildlife walk experience, where you can see miraculous wildlife from whales to koalas, contact our Inspiration Outdoors team today for more information or to book now. Call us on 1300 544 882, or submit an online contact form, and one of our team members will get back to you as soon as possible.

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